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源葉(MedMol) 99%
  • 英文名:
  • Maraviroc
  • 別名:
  • UK-427857, Celsentri;4,4-difluoro-N-((S)-3-(3-(3-isopropyl-5-methyl-4H-1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)-8-aza-bicyclo[3.2.1]octan-8-yl)-1-phenylpropyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide
  • CAS號(hào):
  • 376348-65-1
  • 分子式:
  • C29H41F2N5O
  • 分子量:
  • 513.67
  • MDL:
  • MFCD13188530
  • 核磁/質(zhì)譜:
品牌貨號(hào)產(chǎn)品規(guī)格價(jià)格(RMB) 庫(kù)存(上海) 北京 武漢 南京 數(shù)量計(jì)量單位 加入購(gòu)物車...
源葉(MedMol) S81468-5mg 99% ¥127.50元 6 0 0 0 EA 加入購(gòu)物車
源葉(MedMol) S81468-10mg 99% ¥238.00元 7 0 0 0 EA 加入購(gòu)物車
源葉(MedMol) S81468-25mg 99% ¥433.50元 9 0 0 0 EA 加入購(gòu)物車
源葉(MedMol) S81468-50mg 99% ¥731.00元 5 0 0 0 EA 加入購(gòu)物車
源葉(MedMol) S81468-100mg 99% ¥1020.00元 2 0 0 0 EA 加入購(gòu)物車
源葉(MedMol) S81468-200mg 99% ¥1955.00元 預(yù)計(jì)交期:2-3天 0 0 0 EA 加入購(gòu)物車







  • 提示:詳情請(qǐng)下載說明書。
  • 產(chǎn)品描述: Maraviroc (UK-427857) is a selective CCR5 antagonist with activity against human HIV.
  • 靶點(diǎn): MIP-1α-CCR5:3.3 nM (IC50, in HEK-293 cell membrane);MIP-1β-CCR5:7.2 nM (IC50, in HEK-293 cell membrane);RANTES-CCR5:5.2 nM (IC50, in HEK-293 cell membrane);HIV-1 (Ba-L):1.1 nM (IC50, in PM-1 cells);HIVProtease;?CCR
  • 體內(nèi)研究:
    Clearance values are moderate to high in both rat and dog species following i.v. administration (74 and 21 mL/min/kg, respectively). Maraviroc also has a moderate volume of distribution in both species (4.3 to 6.5 liters/kg). The half-life values of maraviroc are 0.9 h in the rat and 2.3 h in the dog. Following oral administration (2 mg/kg) to the dog, the Cmax(256 ng/mL) occurs 1.5 h. post-dose, and the bioavailability is 40%. For the rat, investigation of the concentrations obtain in the portal vein following oral administration indicated that approximately 30% of the administered dose is absorbed from the intestinal tract. In the DSS/TNBS colitis and in the transfer model, Maraviroc attenuates development of intestinal inflammation by selectively reducing the recruitment of CCR5 bearing leukocytes
  • 參考文獻(xiàn):
    1. Dorr P, et al. Maraviroc (UK-427,857), a potent, orally bioavailable, and selective small-molecule inhibitor of chemokine receptor CCR5 with broad-spectrum anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 activity. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005 Nov;49(11):472 2. Mencarelli A, et al. Highly specific blockade of CCR5 inhibits leukocyte trafficking and reduces mucosal inflammation in murine colitis. Sci Rep. 2016 Aug 5;6:30802. 3. Romero-Sánchez MC, et al. Effect of maraviroc on HIV-disease progression-related biomarkers. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2012 Nov;56(11):5858-64. 4. Huilin Mou, et al. NRSF and CCR5 Established Neuron-glia Communication during Acute and Chronic Stresses. Journal of Drug Metabolism & Toxicology. January 10, 2016.
  • 溶解性: DMSO  :  50  mg/mL  (97.34  mM;  Need  ultrasonic)    Ethanol  :  6.5  mg/mL  (12.65  mM;  Need  ultrasonic)
  • 保存條件: -20℃
  • 配置溶液濃度參考:
    1mg 5mg 10mg
    1 mM 1.947 ml 9.734 ml 19.468 ml
    5 mM 0.389 ml 1.947 ml 3.894 ml
    10 mM 0.195 ml 0.973 ml 1.947 ml
    50 mM 0.039 ml 0.195 ml 0.389 ml
  • 注意:部分產(chǎn)品我司僅能提供部分信息,我司不保證所提供信息的權(quán)威性,僅供客戶參考交流研究之用。


質(zhì)量 (mg) = 濃度 (mM) x 體積 (mL) x 分子摩爾量 (g/mol)

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